Welcome To The Elevate Beauty Tribe Training Center

  1. Set Date For Grand Opening Celebration: (attempt to schedule within the next 5 days):  In home Grand Opening Events will almost always be more successful than a Facebook party.  Most people want to feel and touch makeup and skincare items before they purchase.  If your upline is not local, work together to format a "virtually" lead demo where you can use a pre recorded video or your upline can Skype into your party.
  2. Build guest list: Think of 5 categories of people that you know (school, work, dance studio, baseball, doctor offices, etc.) and list 5 people from each of those categories to invite.
  3. Make Personal Invitations: It may seem so much easier to send a mass text, however making your guests feel special is a sure fire way to get them to clear their schedule to be there to support you. Call them on the phone to tell them how excited you are to introduce them to (insert product here) because you know that they have been looking for something that would (insert what that product would do here) so that they can feel (more confident, less stressed, etc.).  You have 5 spots available for your party and you would love to reserve one of those spots for them.
  4. Ask your upline to jump on the calls with you if you feel like they would be effective in helping give 3rd party validation.
  5. Who will be your first team member????  Look at your list and ask yourself  "who on this guest list is the most likely to be my first team member?"  Work with your upline to set up a coffee date, phone call or invitation to an online opportunity event with that person.

When you are finished with Step 2, click below to move on to Step 3