Courses & Events
CEO Society Instagram Membership Course
Are you feeling frustrated with all there is to know about creating content to market your business on Instagram? It’s like every week there is a new trend, update or method to the madness of social media marketing.
The CEO Society Instagram Membership Course is a living, breathing course ON Instagram that is simple to access and easy to consume. Check out this video for more info!
CEO Society Niche Webinar
You hear it all the time… “You need to niche down”! It’s one of the simplest concepts to understand, yet it can be a huge roadblock to achieving the results you’re after. If you’ve given up all hope of nailing down your niche, this is what you have been searching for.
“I really feel like I got more out of that training than so many others I have watched lately, because it wasn’t the same information we always hear. It was new, it was clear, and it was a workable plan for how to individualize ourselves from others in our business. Thank you again!” -Jennifer S. (webinar attendee)

“I’ve been posting every day!!! And adding carousels and I’ve signed 3 new clients since your retreat!! That’s $15k in 30 days!!! 😍😍😍 I’ve gained new followers too, and my story engagement is INSANE!!!!.”
-Erin @itserintaylor