Valentine's Day recipes to make the day special from start to finish for the whole family! I found the best recipes for snacks, lunches, dinner, and so on! Who's ready to eat well this Valentine's Day??

valentine's Day recipes

Valentine's Day Recipes for Breakfast

valentines day recipesI love hacks that take an easy recipe and make it look fancy... Like these heart-shaped cinnamon rolls! I'd love to make homemade cinnamon rolls for my kids in the morning, but I like sleep too! Look like supermom but get some good sleep too!


Valentine's Day Recipes for Lunch

valentines day recipes

Want to pack a cute lunch for your kids on Valentine's Day? These heart-shaped quesadillas couldn't be easier! Basically all you need is a heart-shaped cookie cutter!

valentines day recipesAdd this adorable printable to applesauce and you have Valentine's Day applesauce!! Couldn't be easier...

Valentine's Day Recipes for Dinner

valentines day recipesIf going out to eat for Valentine's Day isn't possible, it can be just as fun and romantic to make dinner at home! These pan seared scallops with bacon cream sauce look incredible! Better than a restaurant!

valentine lambchopsIf you're going to do Valentine's dinner at home you might as well go all out with rosemary crusted lamb chops!

Mashed potatoes are the best part of any meal, in my opinion... And Valentine's Day is a great excuse to make them extra rich and delicious!

Valentine's Day Recipes for Dessert

valentine's day recipesEasy and delicious cookies with Valentine flare! These cookies are perfect for the kids for Valentine's Day!

valentine's day recipesWho doesn't love a dark chocolate cake?? Dark chocolate just screams Valentine's Day to me... the more chocolate the better!!

valentine's day recipe

Homemade marshmallows?!? This Valentine's Day recipe is easier than it sounds! Not only is it fun for the kids but it makes a great Valentine's Day gift!

valentine's day recipesWell I'm obviously not the only one who loves chocolate chip cookie dough... Cut them into hearts, dip them in chocolate, and call Valentine's Day a success!!


How are you making Valentine's Day special this year??


Little Black Dress Roundup for Valentine's Day!


Whole30 Recipe Roundup!