Learn to Read - Help for Parents and Kids!
I recently asked on my Instagram stories for suggestions on how to help my little first grader learn to read. And my goodness gracious, you guys came through! It turns out that I'm not alone in my struggles and frustrations and hopes that my first grader will have everything click and be able to read like a pro.
Because I know there are so many of you also in this boat, I wanted to share the top suggestions that I received. I heard from teachers and mamas who have used these to help kids with their reading skills.
Apps and Websites
Endless Reader - This was suggested to me by a 1st grade teacher so I checked it out immediately! It is an app available in the Apple App Store and Google Play. The basic version is free so you can check it out without any risk. If your child is struggling with sight words (like mine is!) this is a great place to start. It teaches sight words in a fun and engaging way to help kids identify those building block words.

Waterford Learning - Several of you recommended Waterford Learning to help little ones learn read. This is a website and and app that comes with a free trial so that you can check it out before you commit. Using phonics, this website helps kids learn to read by activities, songs, and books. You can go to their website and see if they are in your area and if your child is eligible.

Reading Eggs - This is another program that many of you suggested. There is also a free trial and after that it costs $60 per year. This program utilizes rewards to motivate children to learn to read. If your child enjoys rewards, you should check this out!
Books and Products

Square Panda - Unlike the other suggestions I received, Square Panda is a physical program that is shipped to your home. It utilizes an interactive system compatible with your iPad and Android to help your child learn to read. Order now and receive 29% off!

4 weeks to Read from Learning Dynamics - This system comes with everything you need to help your child learn to read including a manual, books, downloads, flashcards, and more. Children learn to read because of the structure and multi-sensory activities. This is normally $99.99 but is currently 20% off with code Read20.
I'd love to hear if you've found any of these programs helpful or if there are any others we should check out. Tell me in the comments!